School's closing! Or is it?

How parents can support face-to-face and distance learning

2020: This is the year in which German pupils were not allowed to go to school for weeks, although there were no holidays. So the Corona pandemic will probably remain in the memories of many children. In most schools, teaching was done in lockdown "from a distance", for example:

School's closing! Or is it?

After the summer holidays, school started "normally" again in the vast majority of German states. A teacher reported about Being a teacher during Corona. This "normal" face-to-face teaching is also called presence teaching. We will give you a few impulses on how you can support your child in learning, both in face-to-face and distance learning.

Classroom teaching: Being helpful during "normal" school hours

Even if your child goes to school "normally", he or she will be happy about your involvement in his or her learning process. Little things sometimes seem big to children here.

If you have noticed that your child has an important exam at school today, if you ask about the school work or give your child time off for schoolwork. Your child then feels that you are accompanying him or her. During the "normal" school time, you can above all motivate your child, accompany him emotionally and give him structure ( Give structure). Here are a few insights into how children learn well.

Distance learning: When your home becomes a "classroom

The bed becomes a desk and the wall a blackboard: chaos quickly breaks out at home when suddenly there is not only play but also several hours a day of work for the school. Here are a few impulses to accompany your child when the "normal" school is no longer necessary.

  1. Find and create a quiet workplace in the apartment together with your child Determine together time windows in which work is done for the school so that your child can continue to maintain a certain structure in everyday life Think together about "contact persons" for your child for learning together

The educational researcher Hurrelmann has found out that when children learn at home, what they miss most is the other children and social interaction (Education researcher Hurrelmann). Perhaps your child would like to learn together with another child, for example in a regular telephone conversation in which the teacher's tasks are compared

  1. If problems arise, you as a parent may contact the teacher and ask for simpler materials for your child, for example. Or you can motivate your child to contact the teacher and describe the problem

Conclusion: Whether the normal school takes place or not, in both cases the teacher is responsible for the lessons. She sets the tasks and corrects the results. You may just stay daddy or mummy and you don't have to know or be able to explain everything even in distance learning. Instead, you can support your child in its learning processes and be the link between the teacher and your child.


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