Bye chaos, hello day structure

6 rituals for growing family peace through organization

The cereal bowl stands half-empty on the kitchen table, a sock lies lonely on the living room floor. One child can't get out of bed, the other one has been awake for two hours and is painting the bathroom mirror with toothpaste. Having children in the house is beautiful and enriching in many moments, but also challenging and overburdening

Bye chaos, hello day structure

Parenthood is a lifelong learning process (lifelong education). As different as the challenges are, so are the solutions. Every family ticks differently. Often several people with different daily rhythms come together in a family. "Larks" are early risers and get tired early in the evening, while "owls" like to sleep longer in the morning and go to bed late in the evening. Bringing together the different needs in a family without creating pure chaos is a daily effort.

Getting around and anchoring in the day

The daily, communal lunch or the good-night kiss: recurring activities provide children with a safe framework for discovering the world (safe framework to discover the world). What habits strengthen your domestic peace? We have summarized our favorite rituals - for children from 4 to 10 years - here.

  1. Rituals for the morning

After getting up, the children scurry wildly around the apartment?

  1. "Clamp the tag"

Everybody's talking crazy about what they're gonna do today?

  1. Creating order with "solid" cleaning up music

After tinkering or stacking building blocks, is a chaos left on the living room table?

  1. Reconciling

The children were arguing or you were annoyed with the children?

  1. In the bathroom

The children do not want to be washed or brush their teeth?

  1. Goodnight rituals

The kids don't want to go to bed and run around?

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If you are still looking for inspiring summer holiday activities or would like to know more about how children learn well, you will find a few suggestions in the magazine (Summer Holidays).

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